Damsel in Thisdress

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Pratas Islands

I just remembered that beautiful sandy group of islands SE of HK. A few years ago I told Dennis that I thought they are maybe within paddling range, IF I can use a sea-anchor and out-rigger(s) to secure the kayak enough so that I could sleep in the kayak.

Well, I thought, that means the Islands couldn't be very far from HK. I looked it up in Google Earth again and whoa! It's a whooping, punishing 300km away, and god knows how much further I will have to paddle to look for the landing site.

Quick net search tells me that they are ...
  • Appr. 296Km from Po Toi South.
  • Administrated by China, though unclear whether it's under Taiwan or "The" Chinese gov.
  • mainly occupied by military, fishermen, and researchers
So here I am wondering, if I play castaway with a HKSAR/ BNO passport in my dry bag in my kayak, would they ...
  • give me a visa upon landing?
  • assume I am a pirate (or his wench, more likely...) and shoot me before I open my big mouth...
  • take me in as a vessel in distress, give me three days clearance to do my "shoppings" and replentish so that I am "seaworthy" (!?) again...
  • arrest me as a refugee and impound my kayak... ;__;

Talked to Rich about paddling to the Pratas, and then another DB'er also gave me some ideas. Rich's only comment was "don't go there," Trish was more helpful, but also said I need a bigger watercraft and also offshore sailing experiences. Hmph, the world is so full of nay-sayers!

That said, offshore experiences are good to have. I should sign up for some formal trainings as a crew, but then again, my forehead is like a boom-magnet. Maybe I can find a captain who only ever chicken-gybes.

Will try to make a trip to the Pratas in 2009. Yacht or kayak would be more romantic, but I;m not above hiring a zodiac if it comes to that.



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